
The Road Home Animal Animal Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization serving Eastern Ohio, West Virginia’s Northern Panhandle, and Southwest Pennsylvania. We are a 100% volunteer organization that relies on donations from kind people like you.

If you are looking to help us find forever homes for animals of all kinds in the Ohio Valley, there are a number of ways to contribute.

Donate Money

Monetary donations can be made through PayPal with a debit or credit card or by using Venmo.

Donate Food & Supplies

Pet food, treats, and other supplies, can be purchased through our wish lists at Chewy or Amazon.

Chewy Wish List

Chewy Wish List

Amazon Wish List

Amazon Wish List

Kroger Community Awards

Do you shop at Kroger? Help our animals at no cost to you!

Register your Kroger card using the link below. Our organization number is LT730. Just by shopping at Kroger and using your Kroger plus shopping card, Kroger will make contributions to help our 501(c)(3) nonprofit which 100% supports the care of the animals.

Kroger Community Awards

Shop at Max & Neo

Max & New donates one-for-one to a rescue for each item you purchase. If you shop with them, you can choose us as your rescue, and we will receive donations directly from them.

Shop at Max & Neo

UPC Codes for Tribute Feeds

If you feed any Tribute feeds to your horses, Kalm N EZ, Seniority Pelleted or ANY TRIBUTE feeds, please send us your proofs of purchase. As a nonprofit we collect and turn them in for feed for the horses.

Please ask anyone you know or any stables that feed Tribute to save them and send to us to help us feed the horses.